Clear the Air

Clean air is a human right

In at least 155 countries, a healthy environment is recognized as a constitutional right. Obligations related to clean air are implicit in a number of international human rights instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The right to breathe clean air goes hand in hand with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including ensuring healthy lives, sustainable cities, access to clean energy and mitigation of the climate crisis.


Clear the Air

With the global population approaching 10 billion people and urbanization rapidly increasing, air pollution is likely to worsen. Clearing the air has garnered governmental commitment and is a paramount priority of UNEP.

On 1 September 2020, UNEP launched “Clear the Air” as part of its #BeatPollution campaign. Clear the Air is aimed at raising awareness about the impact of air pollution on peoples' health and the health of their environment and economies, as well as promoting individual solutions to improve air quality in their surroundings.

Learn more about the Clear the Air campaign here.

Clear the Air